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Note: There is currently a website bug preventing many of us from posting in Yarning Circles. I was able to edit this post in the website backend. If you need to contact someone please see practice and technical contacts in sections below. --- You are welcome here ---
Open Dojo
All sessions are held here in the open dojo: Schedule
Opening Night:
(Saturday 28th September)
6:30pm to 8pm: Welcome and Zazen
Daily Schedule: (Sunday 29th September to Saturday 5th October)
5am to 7am: 4 Rounds of Zazen (Open Dojo).
10am to 12pm: Sutra Service and 3 Rounds of Zazen (Open Dojo).
2pm to 3:30pm: Outside sitting and walking (Offline, Outside).
3:30pm to 4pm: Reading (Open Dojo).
6:30pm to 8pm: 1 Round of Zazen Followed by Recorded Teisho (Open Dojo).
On the last day, Saturday 5th October, we will have the morning Zazen and the Sutra Service and Zazen and then have a brief sharing of our experience over the last week before closing the retreat.
You can view this schedule in more detail by opening it in Google Sheets here:
Support For Your Practice
Emma will be available as needed to respond to practice questions, and/or offer a supportive practice-related conversation within the context of the home retreat. If you'd like to take this up, you can text Emma on 0448 837 912 to set up a time to speak on the phone.
Technical Help
If you need any technical help or have questions about the retreat feel free to email me on or text me on 0479 167 129.
While this is a completely free retreat and there is no expectation or pressure to offer dana to our teachers, I want to warmly invite us all to generously offer dana, as we have been so generously offered the dharma and care of our teachers in our practice.
I know personally that I had put aside the investment needed for an in-person sesshin, and as this has been cancelled am now able to pass on a portion of this regardless to Susan to show my gratitude for all she does for us.
If you have the means and feel moved to offer dana for this retreat, please do so here:
Thank you. It was great getting this today…. my mind turned today to plan some for being prepared to step into this week